News Reader
Ultima modificación 31/03/99



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Agent Ring
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For some hard to imagine reason, people at Microsoft didn't want us to read news with the same program we use to read mail.

Using this program you will be able to connect to news servers and get news as if they were normal Outlook mail items.

This program is been developed using Visual Basic, and is still under development, but some of its features already work.

Right now you can setup the news servers you want to connect to, get groups from then, read the headers, and mark and get the full messages you want.

Some of the pending point are:

Join related messages in the same thread.
Another program to control the groups you are subscribed to. (Now you have to edit a text file)
A window to select and subscribe the new groups that the program detects.
Control messages already read, instead of asking for them again to the server.
Posting replies to messages.

The source code is available:

I'm thinking about colaborative development. Anybody can send me bug report or modifications to the source code, to get this program going as soon as possible, and with more features.

You'll need to download a news OCX control from


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