What's new?
Ultima modificación 29/08/99



ie.gif (789 bytes)

Agent Ring
agentring.gif (3192 bytes)

Change history of this site.

Date Change log
Updated Outlook Assistant Source code, better multilingual support.
Added Folder Archiver.
Added Agent Ring.
Added Outlook Rule Composer, to create rules based on sample messages.
Changed Net Vampire Automation, to derive a file name from a URL.
Added Net Mind support, for change notifications.


Multilingual support (English and Spanish).
Enhanced popup menus for MS Agent.
Modular design, public interface to add third party's subsystems (without recompiling).
Distribution lists for news about Outlook Assistant.


Added MS Agent support to read e-mail.
Some minor bugs corrected.
Source code reorganiced, to make it more modular.


Added Outlook Assistant
Internet Explorer channels revised.
Added two missing source files for News Reader (CadenaModule.bas y OutlookModule.bas)


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